Live every day as if it were your last. Life is so precious. May the sun always shine upon your face, the wind always be at your back and the love of God surround you.
Allory got Jackson Woody to go with his Buzz (for "being a big brother" as he would say)
Seven grandchildren in just under 5 years!!
And you wonder who Lucy got her hair from...
Owen and Maggie
So excited about his new "tools"
"The Hulk" was trying to take out Papa
Brayden wouldn't take off his glasses during most of the gift opening
What a great Christmas we had with our families. After having the whole Burkholder clan over for Christmas Eve, we celebrated with the Heth family and Burkholder family on Christmas Day. Jackson was so excited this year for Santa to come and to open all of his presents. Allory slept through most of the days activities so Jackson helped her open her gifts. Thank you so much to our family for all of your help the past month - we really appreciate everything. We love you all so much!
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