Live every day as if it were your last. Life is so precious. May the sun always shine upon your face, the wind always be at your back and the love of God surround you.
Notice the picture below of Maggs close-up laughing at the time-out entertainment!
Last most of you already know, Magglio Ordoñez played in Grand Rapids with the Whitecaps for part of his recovery before heading back to the Tigers. David and Lauren called (knowing how much Jackson loves Maggs) to fill us in on the details and were able to get some great seats for all of us to go. So, as you can see from the pics above, we had a great time and got to see Maggs close up - Jackson had so much fun and enjoyed the ball game festivities...especially the cotton candy :) The last picture is our cousin Matt (who used to pitch for Peoria - the team the Whitecaps were playing) and his son Zach. Jackson and Zach are just 10 weeks apart!
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