Live every day as if it were your last. Life is so precious. May the sun always shine upon your face, the wind always be at your back and the love of God surround you.
Three years ago today, I was in a labor for over 20 hours...then pushing for 3 hours...then our little boy arrived. Weighing in at 9 lbs. 7 oz. and 22" long our hearts melted and fell in love with our new baby. Where has the time gone? Today is Jackson's third birthday - how crazy! He is such an amazing little man. We couldn't have been blessed with a better child. He surprises us every day with the things that come out of his mouth and what his little brain retains. He is excited about his birthday and that we are having "all my family" a week to celebrate. Thank you to everyone that has played such an important role in molding him into the sweet (sometimes bossy) little guy that he is. Adam and I couldn't have done it without all of your love and support. Thank you mom for watching him from 7 weeks old until now - your daycare and Gigi responsibilities don't go un-noticed. I came across a handful of the above pics from his "younger" days and the top the most recent from this fall.
Happy Happy Birthday Jackson, we love you! Jonah thinks you are a very special friend, we have a present for you when we see you again. Hope you had a wonderful Birthday. Melissa & Adam.... jackson is BLESSED to have such amazing parents. Good job. xoxoxoxoxox
Happy 3rd Birthday Jackson!
LOVE the pictures! Happy b-day, Jackson!
Uh, the kid's a DOLL! Happy Birthday big guy! Hope your parent's buy you all the presents in the world!!!
Love that little smile!
- Lea
Happy 3rd Birthday Jackson - your mommy and daddy are so lucky to have such a wonderful little boy!
Happy Birthday Jackson,
Hope you had the best birthday ever!! We love you.
Happy Happy Birthday Jackson, we love you! Jonah thinks you are a very special friend, we have a present for you when we see you again. Hope you had a wonderful Birthday. Melissa & Adam.... jackson is BLESSED to have such amazing parents. Good job. xoxoxoxoxox
Happy Birthday Jackson!! I love the pictures, super cute!
The BIG zero three :) The pictures are absolutely adorable! Hope you guys are doing well!
Happy Birthday to you!!!!We love you bunches Jackson, happy foruth year of life. We hope its the best yet!
Happy Birthday, Jackson! What joy you bring to mommy and daddy.
Love to you all!
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