The proud boys

Only 4 hours old

What a Nolan face!

Sophie's first bath

Sophie Lynn Rinehart came into the world Saturday morning completely surprising her parents that she was a GIRL!! What a blessing that she arrived 3 weeks early and is healthy and happy. Kristen and Donovan are planning on coming home from the hospital today. Both Ryar and Nolan were excited to have a baby sister even though they were asking for a new brother. Congratulations to all four of you - we are so happy for you! She was 6 lbs. 9 oz. and 18" long.
She is so adorable!! We are so happy they had a little girl:) Very cute pictures Melissa.
Brooke & Ben
Thanks for posting the beautiful pictures of Sophia. She is so precious!! Tell Kristen and Donovan the "Hedstroms" said congratulations when you see them again! Jackson is getting so big and so cute!! Hope to see you soon....
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