The last week of school Adam was hired by East Rockford Middle School as their new Activities Coordinator (Athletic Director). He is so excited for this new opportunity and has already moved into his new office and is slowly getting acquainted with his new responsibilities. With his passion for kids and sports, he can't wait to get more involved with the individuals that make up the teams at ERMS. Along with this new position, he has also been blessed to be able to keep 2 hours of Science (a true passion) and a Tools class. This will be a great way for him to be in the classroom as well being involved in Athletics. He is bummed to have to step down from coaching boys basketball and tennis, but anxious for what this position has in store for him.
I am so proud of you honey for your dedication, passion and true love for what you do. You never cease to amaze me will your talent, work ethic and outlook on life both for your family and your career. Jackson and I love you so much and will be there for you as you move forward into this new position!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I am so proud.
Posted by The Burkholder Family at 8:52 PM 6 comments
found Adam's hat that he bought on our Honeymoon in Costa Rica and loves it. I think it may have something to do with that fact that it looks like a cowboy hat, and he is obsessed with Toy Story right now?!? Either way, he cracks me up and as you can see from the top pic he cracks himself up as well!
Posted by The Burkholder Family at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day first and foremost to my wonderful dad...because after all he is My Father! I love you dad and appreciate everything you do for my family. Secondly - to my husband and best friend for being such an amazing dad to Jackson, we are learning as we go how to be the best parents we can be with the help of each other :) We spent the morning at Boulder Creek for Brunch and then to the putting green. Jackson loved it and wanted to stay all day. And Happy Father's Day to my "other" dad is again being such a great grandpa to Jackson and loving him and us the way you do best. Thanks for the great dinner at Burkholder's last night - it was fabulous :)
Posted by The Burkholder Family at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Awesome Family
I had the opportunity to take some beautiful pictures of Laney Rose downtown last weekend. What an amazing little girl she is - smiling for most of the session! And yes - the happy big bro Jonah did great as well. The family picture at the top is one of my favs. Thanks again to one of my favorite families :) ....and afterwards, Sean treated the boys to some hot dogs by the dam. They were in all their glory.
Posted by The Burkholder Family at 6:59 PM 0 comments