Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Special Prize!

So...Jackson is finally potty-trained and going on the big-boy potty all the time. What a champ. It really only took a couple days for the potty part. The pooping was another story. He had a special surprise waiting for him as soon as he pooped on the big boy potty. Aunt Judy (from Colorado) sent over an entire box of Pez dispensers when she heard that Jackson was using this as incentive. He was so excited when he opened this box full! As you can see, he and Dad were having fun looking at all of the characters. We are just excited for no more diapers!! Thanks Aunt Judy :)


The Bibler's said...

YAY!!! What a big boy you are, Jackson!! Now if only you can teach your Daddy how to use the big boy toilet...:)

And Melissa, thanks for the call about the party. No problem! I think I might rescheduel the party due to a big number of people who cannot make it. I'll let you know! If, though, we do have the party, I'll send you the link to website!!

The Gulliver Family said...

Congratulations Jackson! We are so happy to hear that mommy and daddy don't have to change diapers anymore! Good work!!

Carlson's said...

Way to go Jackson! That has to feel so good to not have to buy diapers everytime you go to the store anymore. :)

Tom, Lauren, Maddie and Cru said...

YEAH!! We are so proud of you Jackson. Now...can you talk to Maddie for us?? :)

Leticia said...

Congratulations! Too funny, in the past month, we've reached that milestone too. ALTHOUGH we are still having issues with the pooping. We're desprite for a good enough incentive. Why in the world would kids rather go in their pants? Anyway, I'm thrilled for Jackson and especially for you guys :)

Tom, Lauren, Maddie and Cru said...

Thank you Jackson for sharing!! Maddie LOVES Yoda!! :D Hugs and smoooches.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Jackson, and you guys too! That is awesome:) No more diapers, that must be nice! Hope you guys are doing good.