Live every day as if it were your last. Life is so precious. May the sun always shine upon your face, the wind always be at your back and the love of God surround you.
Posted by The Burkholder Family at 7:58 PM 3 comments
So...this is actually the first post that we have even announced that we are expecting. The beginning was just because I didn't want to jinx anything, then life just got away from us. Now, we are just 4 weeks away. Jackson is so thrilled to become a big brother and participates daily in preparing for this little one. We (I according to Adam) decided not to find out this time so I think that just makes us more anxious for him/her to arrive :) A big thank you to "Mr. Deuel" for taking some great shots of us this past weekend to capture this time in our lives. Thank you to my husband for being there for me through the ups and downs and always telling me I'm beautiful. Hopefully in less than 4 weeks we will be able to post some great news and pictures for the new addition to our family.
Posted by The Burkholder Family at 7:02 PM 5 comments
This sweet 6 yr old was amazing and really held out through a pretty long photo shoot! As you can see, she can capture you with her beautiful eyes. Beka you did fabulous - I can't wait for you to see all of the pictures. Thanks for bearing through the windy day we had :)
Posted by The Burkholder Family at 2:42 PM 0 comments